JCC G CH. Inspire Smile Eternal Story
JKC & JCC G CH. Chopin Fairness of Uenoyama
Kids Mabel of Uenoyama
AKC & JCC G CH. White Stream of Twinkle Farm
AKC CH. Hill View's Patriot Games
Prety Princess of Twinkle Farm
Marchwind Simply Shalamar
AKC G & CKC & JCC G CH. Art Flower's World Class
JCC G CH. Inspire Smile Eternal Story
JKC & JCC G CH. Chopin Fairness of Uenoyama
Kids Mabel of Uenoyama
Art Flower's Global Lucia
JCC G CH. Sniper of Milky Way
JCC G CH. Art Flower's Appeal Point
JCC G CH. Art Flower's Grace Queen

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